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GS84032T150I, H.K. GuoXin Electronics Technology Limited - Inventory

H.K. GUOXIN Eletronics Technology Co,Ltd, was established in 2005 which is located in the most prosperous business center Huaqiang North in China. As a professional supplier of electronic components, we have abundant capital and complete management system, continuously offer high quality service to many domestic and overseas customers in form of providing technical support and entirely business on...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
GS84032T-150I QFP N/A 8000 09+
GS84118AT-100 QFP GSI 1225
GS88036T-100 N/A GSI 140 00/01+
GS880Z36AT-166 QFP N/A 8000 09+
GS880Z36BT-250 QFP N/A 8000 09+
GSC282-BAL2100 SOP8 SOSHIN 379 06+
GSC3F/LF-7979 BGA SIAF 1000 08+
GS-D200 模块 ST 1500 06+
GS-D200S 模块 ST 1500 06+
GS-R400V 模块 ST 1500 06+
GS-R405S 模块 ST 1500 06+
GS-R412/CL 模块 ST 1500 06+
GS-R507 模块 ST 1500 06+
GS-R507S 模块 ST 1500 06+
GS-R51212 模块 ST 1500 06+
GS-R605S 模块 ST 1500 06+
GST5009LF BGA46 BOTHHAND 4814 1016+
GT28F160B3BA QFP INTEL 149 04+
GT3180-01-A BGA GLOBESPA 183 0308+
GT3180-01-A QFP GLOBESPAN 50000 00+

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